In a world that loves a great crossover story, welcome to With the success of the Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy and the MCU, those sports fans who also have a passion for comics have started to come into the light. This website is dedicated to them, because I love sports, and I’d definitely consider myself a dork. And since I’ve never come across a website that check those boxes, I decided to create the Spork Universe.
The content provided on this site will be simple, what’s going on in the Sports World, and what is going on in the Entertainment World. It could be a random comic storyline, a new show, or carton (series or full length movie) that we may have stumbled upon. The only guarantee is that this site will include NO POLITICS.
As time progresses, my goal is to expand so that other “Sporks” have the opportunity to share their opinions as well. You might like what we have to say, you might think we are idiots, regardless we don’t care, just happy to get conversations going.