Top Spork : Besides growing up a diehard Boston sports fan in the tri-state area aka enemy territory (that’s NY, NJ, and Connecticut for those not from the Northeast), Top Spork spent the last 12 years of his life working in the sports industry. During those 12 years, he’s worked with teams in the MLB, NHL, and NBA. There’s even a brief venture in the AFL and WNBA during those 12 years. But it’s not that he worked in the sports industry that makes him a Spork, it’s the fact that after a long day, he came home and still had a passion for both sports and comics. His happy place was and still is the couch watching sports or superhero shows/movies. It’s that passion that led him to create this website so he can share his thoughts with other likeminded individuals.
Lady Spork: A San Francisco Bay Area native, she was practically raised on San Francisco 49ers football and SF Giants baseball (it make sense to throw in the Warriors here, but truth be told her vested interest in the NBA didn’t develop until her late 20s). As a young girl when Lady Spork wasn’t singing or dancing she mainly focused her energy on the NFL – most famously expressing her interest to her parents by requesting to swap out the film poster in her bedroom of the animated film Beauty and the Beast for a poster that displayed the helmets of all NFL teams (she was about 6 years old). For her 10th birthday the only present on her wish list was to get tickets to see Brett Favre and Steve Young square off in a playoff game (hey – being born mid-January has its perks). Unlike the Houston Oilers or the NFC East Phoenix Cardinals in the early 90s, Lady Spork’s love of sports has remained strong and will never be dismantled. Growing up with a little brother also gave her exposure to what may be considered “dorky” hobbies such as playing video games and reading comic books, ultimately molding her into the well-rounded spork she is proud to be today. Her interests also include cheesy chick flicks, chick lit, competition-based reality tv shows, and debating with East Coasters how much better West Coast Sundays are.
The Meg: She spent most of her life in Southern CA, a place where the weather is great and a place where you have plenty of sports and entertainment to choose from. As the oldest of four siblings her Dad raised her to be the die hard and passionate sports fan that you see today. She spent a few years working in sports, having worked for the NFL, NHL, and MLB. She considers herself a superhero/comic nerd who also enjoys reading, watching and debating with friends and family about the super hero world. Most of her friends know that she is a diehard Harry Potter fan and enjoy all things nerd. As much as she has loved sports, she has also always had a passion for pop culture and can pretty much name any celebrity and movie, and can probably tell you what’s going on in their personal lives. Top Spork asked if she would be interested in writing for this site and she thought why not bring a little pop culture spin to it.
Mama Spork: Up until September 2020, a woman who only watched sports if it happened to be on and she didn’t have control of the remote. She barely knew sports, forget betting on them. But like everything us in 2020, the world changed and now she’s all in. Track her success on the “Sporks Bet” page as she does the research and you simply collect the winnings.
Grumpy Spork: The original Top Spork, just without the Savvy to create a website. Growing up in Boston, you already know where his allegiance lies. But he’s more than just a sports fan, he’s someone who always enjoyed seeing the world and making memories to share with his grandkids. Thanks to his years in the business world, he’s had the opportunity to attend multiple Super Bowls, Stanley Cup games, US Opens (both golf and tennis) and even the 1999 All-Star game at Fenway Park. But more important than the games he has attended, are the stories he’s collected along life’s journey. For those who have met him, you know he loves to talk, and thanks to, he can tell his stories to the world.